What is that answer?

"No." That said the spokesman for the German cycling team Bora-hansgrohe before the start of the Tour de France.

He said so in an online press round to a journalist who wanted to know if the announcer could ask a question for Alexander Vlasov, Russia's Bora captain.

This is how sports PR works in the new Corona world, where you sometimes have to communicate via chat function.

For protection against unpleasant frag .



oops, internet was gone.



from unpleasant viruses.

Bora ends the call

What was going on in Bora chat?

Those who were there say a journalist wrote asking what Vlasov thought about the fact that athletes from Russia were not allowed to compete in Wimbledon because of the aggressive war in Ukraine, but were allowed to compete on the Tour.

And that another journalist also asked for an answer to this question.

"Nope," said the Bora spokesman and ended the conversation with Vlasov.

That's why we'd like to submit one more question and one answer at this point: Do you have to think something of a team that wants to boost cycling in Germany, but can't even stand such questions?
