Kalle Berglund put athletics on pause for a while, but now the joy of running seems to be there again.

He has been hired as a hare in some races and has run relays, but there has been no individual race after the Olympics.

- If I feel like it, I will run some races this summer.

But if it does not happen, it must be okay as well, says Kalle Berglund when we meet him at Lidingövallen.

Have not felt the craving for championships this year

- I have not felt any craving for championships, but take this year as an intermediate year and simply focus on getting the joy of training and competition back.

- I feel good, it helped to talk about it to the outside world.

It got a lot better after that.

I have focused on school, family and friends, have fun and relax a bit, he says.

Kalle Berglund believes that there are opportunities to run fast again if the motivation is there.

Now he trains about as he did a year ago, but in February and March the amount of training was two to thirty miles a week compared to the normal seventeen miles.

- I'm starting to get my hope back a bit, my body is still starting to respond and feel good.

Sees an investment further - in a healthier way

He enjoys being with his friends in the training environment, but avoids measuring too much results, lactation, sleep hours and other things that risk putting performance in focus.

The 26-year-old sees an investment further:

- I have said that if I come back in the same old habits, then I will end the day.

Because I do not want to go back to how I felt.

Should it be done, then it should be done in a healthier way.

- The important thing is above all to have fun and the journey there, to focus on it, he explains.

Paris 2024 - long-term picture

What do you see in front of you in a longer horizon?

- Last summer I did not feel completely well and could not do myself justice.

So it would be fun to do an Olympics for real.

Paris 2024 would be fun, so it's a long-term picture.

How do you mentally prepare to compete individually again?

- When I was at the relay-SM it went well.

If it gets too hard, you have to cancel.

It is not the whole world.

As long as I do not have internal expectations, I think it will go well, says Kalle Berglund

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Kalle Berglund during a threshold session at Lidingövallen Photo: SVT / Victor Vedin