Charlotte Kalla is one of Sweden's most successful skiers with three World Cup gold, six World Cup silver and four World Cup bronze on the merit list.

Add her nine Olympic medals, three of which are gold, and she is also one of the country's most successful female Olympians.

On July 3, the 34-year-old from Tärendö will make his debut as a summer talker in Sommar in P1.

When the list was released today, she was, certainly quite unexpectedly, one of those who will get an hour on the radio this summer.

Another summer host is the new Olympic champion in giant slalom, Sara Hector.

At the Beijing Olympics on February 7 this year, she won by a margin of 28 hundredths after spending the entire charge during the morning vomiting.

Here are the other summer talkers with a sports connection in Sommar in P1:

Jörgen Persson, table tennis, Hedvig Lindahl, football, Carl Hedin, dressage rider.

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KALLA: Who is Charlotte Kalla?