Belgium's Vot van Arte raised his arms before reaching the finish line in the third stage of the Dauphine Cycling on Tuesday, but he will undoubtedly lament that after France's David Godot overtook him to win the stage.

"You have to watch the replay," said the Jumbo-Visma rider. "I raised my arm prematurely and I'm really ashamed to lose the stage like that and not finish the job."

"The victory was in my hands. Before, when I saw clips like that of another rider, I was amazed. Now I feel the same heartbreak."

.@WoutvanAert furado na meta.

Bravo, @DavidGaudu #Dauphine #ciclismonaespn

— País do Ciclismo (@DoCiclismo) June 7, 2022

But Van Aert took some solace after topping the overall standings before the singles stage against the clock today.

#Dauphine @DavidGaudu le arrebata el triunfo a @WoutvanAert

— Marcelo La Gattina (@MLaGattina) June 7, 2022