Suffering from Müller-Weiss syndrome, which affects his left foot, Rafael Nadal managed to overcome the pain during the fortnight at Roland-Garros thanks to infiltrations, “several before each match”, and “a ton of anti- inflammatory”.

This raised questions in the peloton.

While Thibaut Pinot joked by tweeting about "today's heroes", Guillaume Martin pleads "for a certain homogenization of the regulations between the different sports".

Today's heroes… 🤔🫠

— Thibaut PINOT (@ThibautPinot) June 5, 2022

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He explained his point of view to the newspaper


: "In the long term, I'm not sure that it will do Nadal's ankle any good.

And what's more, drugs, and even more so infiltrations, don't just have a healing effect, they can certainly have effects on performance or be diverted to improve performance, so that seems very limited to me.


"If a cyclist did the same thing, even if it weren't forbidden, everyone would fall on him calling him doped because there is such a cultural background, such clichés attached to the bike, continues the Norman.

While people praise Nadal for being able to go this far in pain.

I believe that Zlatan Ibrahimovic also spoke about his knee infiltrations.


“They come across as heroes because they go far in pain, but in fact, they use substances to go far in pain and again, it's very borderline.

The winner in the bike, in particular that of the Tour, even if there is no element behind it, he is systematically accused of doping, ”insists the climber from the Cofidis training.

Two weights, two measures ?

You have four hours.


Roland-Garros: Rafael Nadal triumphs again, but his career hangs by a thread

Roland-Garros-Men's Final: Nadal wins his 14th Roland-Garros and will not retire immediately... Relive the match with us

  • Sport

  • Cycling

  • Tennis

  • Rafael Nadal

  • doping