Khoroshavtseva won the fight in the weight category up to 57 kg.

with a score of 5:0 over Irina Ologonova.

Bronze was won by Veronika Chumikova.

Gold was also won by Nadezhda Sokolova (50 kg), Milana Dadasheva (53), Ekaterina Isakova (55), Anastasia Sidelnikova (59), Alina Kasabieva (62), Uliana Tukurenova (65), Khanum Velieva (68), Ksenia Burakova (72) ), Evgenia Zakharchenko (76).

Earlier, the head coach of the Russian freestyle wrestling team Dzambolat Tedeev said that recently relations with many Ukrainian specialists have ceased due to different views on the political situation.