Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels started the game against the Blue Jays and took 10 strikeouts, but last season's home run king Guerrero jr. I became a losing pitcher for the first time in half.

On the 26th, Otani started the game against the Blue Jays at the home base of Angel Stadium on the 7th.

On this day, control was loose from the start, and Springer hit a fastball in the 150-kilometer range to take the lead with a home run, and in the third inning, two timely additions of three points were added.

After that, he struck out in a split, but in the 6th inning, Otani fought for the home run king as a batter last season.

A player hit a solo home run that hit the left pole directly, and it was 2 to 5.

Otani got off the mound this time and threw 93 balls in the 6th inning to take 10 strikeouts, but 6 hits and 1 foreball resulted in 5 runs.

As a batter, the first at-bat in the first inning was a walk, the second at-bat in the third inning chasing three points was a one-out first base and third base, and the third base runner returned to the home and gave one RBI.

The third at-bat in the 5th inning was a strikeout, and after getting off the mound, he was sent a pinch hitter in the at-bat that came in the 8th inning and was replaced. have become.

The Angels lost 3 to 6, and Otani became the losing pitcher for the first time in about a month and a half since the 14th of last month, and the total result of this season was 3 wins and 3 losses.