Ingvild Flugstad Östberg is outside the Norwegian national team for the first time in 14 years.

After the petting, she will invest on her own this winter.

The Norwegian has already hired Therese Johaug's former coach Pål Gunnar Mikkelsplass.

Now she has also contacted Didrik Tönseth, the Norwegian who was poked from the national team last year and who has since driven under his own auspices.

- We talked for a long time about everything.

was positive that this was possible.

Then there were lots of small details about everything from collections, resource persons, equipment, business and finances, she tells VG.

When the 31-year-old called a press conference in Holmenkollen earlier in May, she was sitting on the podium in civilian clothes instead of training clothes adorned with advertising, as has been the case over the years.

The reason is that the Norwegian has not signed any new sponsorship agreements since the investigation from the national team.

- I tried to inquire with Didrik about what specifically it is important to spend money on and what should be prioritized - and not least what everything costs.

This is a new situation.

Everything costs money and everything should go together.

Right now there is a big lump in the stomach on that front.

I do not know if it goes together.

I have not signed any contracts for what will happen next, says Östberg.