Seiya Suzuki of the Major League Baseball Cubs made a full appearance against the Braves, but was a no-hitter for the first time in four games.

On the 26th, Suzuki started in the second light against the Braves in his opponent's hometown of Atlanta.

In the first at-bat in the first inning, he overlooked the changing ball with a higher in-course and struck out, and in the second at-bat in the third inning with a tie, he hit a fastball with a higher in-course on the first base out and became a double play with a short ground ball.

The third at bat in the 5th inning was a chance for 2 outs, 1st base and 2nd base, but I overlooked the changing ball just before the out course and struck out.

In the 4th at bat of the 8th inning, he hit a big hit in the middle right in the scene of 1 out first base, but in the center fly, the runner who had turned to the second base could not return and became a double play, and on this day it was the first time in 4 games with no hits in 4 at bats. It ended without a hit.

Suzuki was the first match at the Braves home, but in the defense of Wright, he showed a defensive jump and catch at the end of the fence while dropping a big hit behind him in the 6th inning.

The Cubs lost 1 to 3 in the match.