Major League Baseball's Detroit star Miguel Cabrera left only one in his 3,000 hits, and the opposing team New York Yankees got a huge booed ball when they deliberately skipped Cabrera, which was about to set a record.

Major League Baseball's Detroit's Gancabrera drove three hits yesterday (21st), leaving only one in his 3,000 hits.

In today's game against the Yankees, he didn't get a hit in his first three at-bats, probably because of the pressure ahead of the record.

And he appeared in the final at-bat in the 8th one-out 2-3 base opportunity, Yankees manager Aaron Boone ordered a volleyball, and the Detroit home fans poured out huge boos.

Cabrera herself calmed down the fans.

[Miguel Cabrera / Detroit: In that situation, it is baseball to deliberately throw a ball.

I ended up not getting a hit in three at-bats, but I'm happy that the team won.]

Hyo-Jun Park of Pittsburgh, who appeared in six days, contributed to the team's victory with a double in the left field in the 5th inning against the Chicago Cubs.