Major League Baseball pitcher Yu Darvish started the game against the Giants on the 12th and collapsed with 9 goals in the middle of the second inning, and suffered the first black star of the season.

Darvish, who missed the winning star in the opening game on the 7th with no hits and no runs, went up to the second starting pitcher's mound this season against the Giants in San Francisco, the home of his opponent.

Pitcher Darvish hit in front of the light in the first inning, followed by a two-run home run by the batter, and suddenly got two points first.

After this, the control was not decided, and two foreballs and a hit led to a bases loaded pinch, a two-point timely hit on the 7th in the lower hitting line, a sacrifice fly on the following batter, and a timely hit on the 9th. , I lost 6 points at a stroke due to the onslaught of batters.

Darvish was hit with two hits and a bases loaded with a dead ball in the next two innings, and after losing one point during the double play of the short ground ball, he was hit more timely, his shortest one and three minutes. I got off the mound in 2 innings.

The substitute pitcher couldn't stop the momentum of the opponent's batting line, and the team lost 10 points by the second inning.

Darvish pitched halfway twice, hitting eight hits, three walks and three dead balls, two strikeouts, and nine runs, making him the first black star of the season.

The Padres lost 2 to 13 and the winning streak stopped at 4.