There are things that change without changing at all.

For example reports on football matches.

When we read about a powerful offensive formation these days, it evokes completely different associations than a few weeks ago.

Or from an insurmountable defensive bulwark.

A counterattack on the right flank.

An intelligently layered defense.


The truth is that football language is full of war vocabulary.

The fact that we have noticed this less and less in recent years is probably due to the fact that the stories of the war in our latitudes only seemed a distant echo of the experiences that generations before us had had.

And now?

We can't suddenly posthumously rename our "Bomber Müller".

Or is it?

Is there even an alternative term to the offensive or attack or storm?

forward initiative?

And for defence: perhaps containment measures?

What is needed are peaceful alternatives that are also so simple that you can stick with them if Hansi Flick's troops are now attacking again.