Charlotte Kalla, 34, makes her last competitions during the Swedish Championship week.

But the questions about her possible departure from the sport have followed her for several years.

- 2019 I had a heavy season behind me.

To then, before the World Cup relay, be asked what I meant for Swedish cross-country skiing ... Then I felt: But no, not now, says Charlotte Kalla.

The icon has since been allowed to get used to questions about her importance to the sport and any parting from it.

- I like to talk about that when I quit.

But now I have my goals ahead and dream of further championships.

Can we leave this until later ?, she says.

"Are you a woman over 30 years ..."

Kalla also says that she partly thinks the questions have come more frequently since she is a woman.

- If you are a woman and have passed 30 years, it is recurring, she says. 

Is it more common to get it as a female athlete?

- I definitely think it is a difference if you were to produce statistics on it, says Kalla.

Charlotte Kalla makes her last race of her career on Monday in the three-mile at the Swedish Championships.