Christian Eriksen, who collapsed from a heart attack during last year's match, made an emotional comeback after eight months.

A standing ovation pours in from the crowd as Brentford's Eriksen appears as a substitute for a home match against Newcastle.

[All the spectators at the stadium are welcoming the return of the 'Miracle Man.']

Eriksen played from the 7th minute of the second half until the end of the game to announce a successful comeback.

[Christian Eriksen/Brentford: Director Thomas didn't talk much.

I just wished you luck and enjoyed the game.]

Eriksen, the Danish national team, collapsed from a cardiac arrest during the European Football Championships against Finland in June of last year and was on the verge of life and death.

He rehabilitated after undergoing a defibrillator implantation surgery before signing with Brent Ford last month, and his miraculous comeback has impressed football fans.

[Christian Eriksen/Brentford: I am a happy person.

I am thrilled to be back on the ground with my family]

(Video editing: Oh Young-taek)