Jessie Diggins took, somewhat surprisingly, the silver when the ladies' three miles were decided last night, Swedish time.

When she finished, 1.43 behind the superior winner Therese Johaug, she collapsed in the finish area and needed help to get out of there.

When she spoke to various journalists a little later, she revealed what her fatigue was due to.

- I was food poisoned yesterday, so I needed to stay in bed all day, she said, according to NRK.

- That was why I thought I would die on the finish line.

"Really proud"

Diggins, who became ill about 30 hours before the race after a meal consisting of chicken, rice and vegetables, says according to the Washington Post that she felt unexpectedly well at the starting line:

- I went from "Wow, these are not the race preparations I had seen in front of me: Lying in bed where I need to force myself oatmeal and canned soup", but I was really proud of how much sports drink I got in me .

And then, somewhere around 13 kilometers, I felt my legs start to shake and cramp, she says, and continues:

- Then I thought: "Geez, I hoped this would not start until at 28 kilometers, but it was just to fight.

"Fantastic support"

And so did Diggins, who after a day in isolation where her mother persuaded her to still make an attempt at three miles, finally finished in second place.

- Every last drop of my energy was used in this race, it is something that is safe.

The last two laps cramped my legs, so I tried to drink as much as I could.

And we had such great support out there, so I felt that “I can not give up.

I have to work as hard as I can out there on the snow and finish with no strength left.

Maybe I can stay in the medal spot, maybe not.

But I have to try, "she said, according to USA Today, explaining how pleased she is with her efforts:

- It might have been the best race of my whole life, to be honest.