The Swedish men opened strongly and looked confident in their game.

After some mistakes from the Canadians, team Edin was able to go away to a 3-1 lead in the fourth round.

“So the Swedish players are performing such a fantastic game right now.

It's magic.

They put pressure on Canada and force them to take heavy blows ", wrote the expert Eva Lund in SVT's live reporting during the fifth round.

But after a less successful stone by Niklas Edin where he could not clear the nest on Canadian stones, Canada equalized to 3-3.

The position stood until the eighth round where Sweden took a point.

Canada then fixed a pointless round, which meant that they had to keep the last stone in the tenth and final round.

Before Sweden's last stone, Canada had two points in the nest.

Niklas Edin managed to get rid of one and the Swedish stone eventually became the best.

Team Edin got the points in the final round and secured the final place.

In the final, you meet Great Britain, who beat the United States in their semifinal, and the match is played on Saturday, 07.05 Swedish time.