Let's say the bus driver of bus number one is old Sergio Pérez: mask and cap instead of cap and racing suit.

In the ideal line he drives up the mountain.

The engine roars, wwwwwwwh.

The bars wobble in the bus.

Slight curves, past brown hills.


Bus number three comes from behind.

Pérez stays on track and doesn't move to the side.

For his teammate Verstappen he blocks Hamilton away in the three.

He drives up ever more densely, effortlessly.

Pérez does not dodge the edge lane.

No chance, Hamilton overtakes from the left.

Verstappen afterwards on the number five bus.

Pit stop for Pérez – Genting Park Hotel: Park backwards in slow motion.

Stefanie Sippel

sports editor.

  • Follow I follow

The crew is ready.

Hands of volunteers in blue coats point to the bus door.

Hurry in with the passengers.

close the door, continue.

Pérez wants, he accelerates.

But he can't.

While others also have a turbocharger, Pérez only has a lawn mower engine under it.

It doesn't go over 10 km/h.

He presses the gas pedal: wwwwwwwwwwww.

Back on the route, bus number 14 rushes by.

The next pit stop for Pérez is the press center.

"Bus number one, bus number one," the volunteers shout.

Open the door, get in, move on.

Back on the route, turn left: extra loop for Pérez.

Then the last few meters up the mountain: wwwwwwwwwwh.

Bus number thirteen honks from behind.

Looking at the road, concentration, make no mistake.


Hamilton in the five rushes past, down the hill, Max Verstappen behind.

Why? Pérez might ask, who would have liked to help his team-mate.

We can reassure him: not even young Pérez would stand a chance in this bus.