中新网客户端北京2月5日电(记者 李赫)从2018年2月22日到2022年2月5日,时隔1444天,中国军团再迎冬奥金牌。











2018年2月23日,冬奥会短道速滑男子5000米接力奖牌颁奖仪式在韩国平昌举行。匈牙利在华裔兄弟刘少林、刘少昂的带领下在项目上夺得金牌,中国摘银,加拿大获得铜牌。图为匈牙利运动员跳上领奖台。中新社记者 崔楠 摄

  Beside Wu Dajing, his teammate Ren Ziwei is in good shape, and the Hungarian brothers Liu Shaolin and Liu Shaoang are getting stronger and stronger.

After Pyeongchang won a historic Winter Olympics gold medal for Hungary, they hoped to make a breakthrough in individual events.

Brothers Liu Shaolin and Liu Shaoang defeated Wu Dajing and Ren Ziwei to win the championship and runner-up in the men's 500m final at the Hungarian World Cup this season.

  Not only that, the "spoiler" of the epidemic, the pressure of home games, and the expectations of being the only Olympic champion in this Chinese delegation all made Wu Dajing's every step along the way even more heavy.

  In the face of these difficulties, Wu Dajing gritted his teeth.

Data map: On February 23, 2018, the men's 500m short track speed skating medal award ceremony for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics was held in PyeongChang, South Korea. Chinese player Wu Dajing won the gold medal in this event, which is also the event of the Chinese delegation in Pingchang. Chang's first gold medal at the Winter Olympics.

The picture shows Wu Dajing holding the five-star red flag on his chest after winning the gold medal.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Cui Nan

  "I will strengthen my training and present my best condition at the Beijing Winter Olympics."

  A few days ago, the Chinese short track speed skating team had their first training in the Year of the Tiger.

In this training, the Chinese team focused on the relay and strengthened the coordination of the handover.

  "Today is mainly to adapt to the ice rink, and the team is very competitive in the relay event. We will go all out to make a sample for the Chinese delegation." Wu Dajing made a firm statement again.

  It is this perseverance that accompanied Wu Dajing along the way, from training with the women's team to becoming the Olympic champion, and winning another Olympic gold medal in the position of the Olympic champion.

On February 23, local time, the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics short track speed skating men's 500-meter award ceremony was held at the PyeongChang Olympic Village. Chinese athlete Wu Dajing, who won the gold medal, took the stage to accept the award.

  It is also this perseverance that supported Wu Dajing in the 1444 days after he passed the "first gold" in Pyeongchang.

Finally, Wu Dajing and his teammates made the "first gold" of the Chinese delegation no longer need a long wait.

  The Beijing Winter Olympics has a long schedule.

Wu Dajing and the Chinese short track speed skating team led by him have the opportunity to make this commitment more fulfilled.
