



先発出場する第1セットは初戦で決勝ゴールを決めた浮田留衣選手と志賀葵選手、紅音選手の姉妹、さらに床 亜矢可選手と秦留可選手の2組の姉妹がそろって出場します。


1 藤本那菜=GK

3 志賀 葵/4 床亜矢可/14床秦留可/15浮田留衣(1)/16志賀紅音



2 小池詩織(1)/8 細山田茜/10米山知奈(1)/11三浦芽依/23山下 光

6 鈴木世奈/7 川島有紀子/12大澤ちほ/18高 涼風/27小山玲弥

28山下 栞/13藤本もえこ/19大滝知香 /21久保英恵 /22獅子内美帆

日本はグループB 予選リーグ突破へ大事な2戦目

In the qualifying league, the top 5 teams in the world ranking will be assigned to Group A, the bottom 5 teams will be assigned to Group B, and Japan, which is 6th in the world ranking, will be able to advance to the quarterfinals if they are in the top 3 teams in Group B.

Japan scored 3 goals by hitting 40 shots against Sweden in the first match on the 3rd.

Director Yuji Iizuka also said that he wanted to add a little more points, and he is expected to play an even more active role in the second round.