SOK:s truppchef Peter Reinebo berättar om Flodins positiva testsvar i ett pressmeddelande.

– Johan isolerades efter det första preliminära resultatet och blev placerad i karantän på ett hotell efter det konfirmerande provet nu under fredagen. Han är symtomfri och vi räknar med att han kan återgå till sin OS-roll när han lämnat två negativa PCR-test 24 timmar efter varandra, säger han.

”Inte nära nån annan svensk”

Many have probably noticed that the currently dominant corona variant, omicron, is very contagious.

But there is no major concern in the Swedish camp that Flodin has infected other Swedes.

- He flew himself from Gothenburg.

Then he flew from Helsinki to Beijing and was not close to any other Swede.

And then, in the other contacts, he has been wearing a mouth guard, and to be counted as close contact, you must be without a face mask for over 15 minutes, at close range.

So no Swede counts as close contact, says SOK's press manager Lars Markusson to SVT Sport.

Has been a rowing leader

Johan Flodin is sports manager at SOK with responsibility for the resource team and during the Olympics he is part of the service team in the ice village in Beijing.

Flodin has previously worked as a leader in rowing for both Sweden and Norway at several Olympics and has also competed for Sweden in the Olympics.

All other Swedes who arrived in Beijing yesterday have - after negative test results - had to leave the quarantine hotel, where they are transported waiting for results from the corona tests they do after arrival in China.

Those who arrived during the day have not yet received their answers.