








Director Kiyoyuki Hasegawa has been leading the team for 22 years.

"There are no special star players, so if a runner comes out, I will send it firmly and take a chance, so I have created a team that can form a basic form, and I have been aiming to build a team from defense. It is difficult to train with a solid goal because it is a heavy snowfall area and it is difficult to practice for a long time, but I feel that the color of the eyes of the members has changed recently. ”

Captain Yoshitsu base (second grader) )

"It's a modest practice because I think it will lead to results when I go out to the ground, but I'm working hard and intensively as a team. It's not just our own strength that has come so far. With the support of various people such as the townspeople, I try to unite the team's consciousness. ”After

3:00 pm on the 28th, the selection committee called Katsuhiro Ito, the principal of the school. A report of the participation decision was brought.

When the principal told the players who were waiting in line at the gymnasium that they would participate, the players who could not raise their voices due to corona measures were quietly cheering on their eyes by facing down and holding their eyes. rice field.

Captain Yoshitsu "I'm


happy. I want to improve my play by practicing as usual without doing anything special, and at Koshien I want to play baseball that wins the defense by creating a rhythm with defense and taking one chance.

" I am full of gratitude for choosing. I will do my best to practice until the school that was not chosen, and at Koshien I would like to give back to the people in the town who are always supporting me in the game with a single rhythm. "