SVT Sport was able to reveal today that the alpine women's national team had a joint New Year's party in Obdach, Austria.

This is despite the widespread corona infection in Europe.

- It was music, alcohol, dance and it was toasted for the new year, Magdalena Fjällström tells SVT Sport.

Just days later, several skiers fell ill in covid-19, which meant that only four skiers started at the World Cup competitions in Zagreb on 4 January.

SVT Sports expert Pernilla Wiberg comments on the national team's decision to organize a party on New Year's:

- To be at a party then you might think is a bit strange even if they in themselves stay in the bubble they are constantly moving in. Evidently there were some who went on covid-19, but then if it was from the party or not is hard to say.

At least I would never have lined up at a party like this if I knew I was going to the Olympics, she says and continues.

What do you think it sends for signals that you act in this way?

- As I understand it, the coaches are in the picture so it must have been sanctioned by the coaching staff to have this party.

Then we are no more than all people, even if you are an elite athlete.

These girls are all over 18 years old, so there must be a certain amount of personal responsibility as well.

"Does not only apply to one's own health"

SVT Sports expert Tobias Hellman gives his view on the party and the corona outbreak.

– Det är olyckligt naturligtvis. Det är många som har det jobbigt, man ser det i samhället i övrigt också. Det här är atleter som ingår i ett landslag och där har alla ett ansvar att kanske lyfta sig ytterligare ett snäpp. Det gäller inte bara sin egen hälsa utan även lagkamraternas hälsa. Återigen det är OS-säsong och viktiga tävlingar och det har varit av yttersta vikt att hålla sig frisk, säger Hellman.