IOK säger till AFP att man haft kontakt med Peng ett antal gånger sedan man första gången fick kontakt med henne i november, senast i förra veckan enligt IOK:s presstalesperson. Vid dessa samtal ska hon ha sagt att hon ser fram emot de olympiska vinterspelen i Peking och att hon ska följa tävlingarna och de kinesiska deltagarna.

Hon säger också, enligt IOK, att hon ser fram emot att träffa IOK:s ordförande Thomas Bach och Emma Terho, ordförande i de aktivas kommitté, under spelen.

Peng wrote on social media last autumn that she had been sexually exploited by a former top Chinese politician.

After a while, the message was deleted and Peng disappeared.

It is unclear what has happened to the former world setter in doubles and the tennis world has not managed to get in touch with her.

Among other things, the women's tennis organization WTA has expressed that there is still no concrete evidence that the 36-year-old is safe and allowed to express himself freely.

IOC base Thomas Bach first spoke to Peng in November, through a video call, and the IOC then stated that the tennis star was safe and well.

This led to accusations that Bach acted to protect Olympic hosts in Beijing.

CLIP: Osaka about Peng Shuai: "A situation we need more information about" (January 17, 2022)

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Naomi Osaka, till vänster, vill ha mer information om Peng Shuai Foto: Bildbyrån