It seems that the French star Kylian Mbappe, the top scorer of the Paris Saint-Germain team, has consulted many stars about his desire, which he did not hide, to move to Real Madrid, including the Swedish star Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Ibrahimovic, who is currently leading the Milan attack, revealed in an interview he gave to the French newspaper L'Équipe on the occasion of publishing his autobiography in his new book "Adrenaline", which was printed in French, that he advised Mbappe to go to Real Madrid.

The Swedish star, who has moved between many major teams, including Saint-Germain and Barcelona (Real Madrid's rivals), said without hesitation, "One day (Mbappe) asked me and I answered him: If I were in your place, I would go to Real Madrid."

He added that he answered it according to his opinion, but "only Kylian can answer this question. It depends on what he wants and what he thinks."

Ibrahimovic indicated that there are certainly many teams seeking to sign him, and that Paris Saint-Germain will try to keep him.

"The club (Saint-Germain) wants him to continue, but does he want to stay?"