As recently as November, his contract was extended.

Fagervall confirmed the news for SVT Sport in a text message: "I have been fired" but has been tight-lipped and did not show up for any interviews, something he does not seem to have any desire to do.

Under the heading "This is my press release" he writes:

To the media who call and want a yummy interview about how fucking bitter and disappointed I should be.

How much is wrong with everyone else.

Stop calling that question ", he writes on Instagram.

And continues: “On the other hand, I am holy pissed because I do not have a job to go to today.

I'm holy pissed that I did not do better with my job.

Cursed because I gave someone the opportunity to fire me because of it.

I'm pissed that the team I represented is in twelfth place in the league. "

Fagervall will now relax in a mountain environment and analyze the situation before he hopes to return to ice hockey in some form.