It looked so promising.

Sebastian Samuelsson went into the final shooter as second and could with full shot give Quentin Fillon Maillet a match for first place.

But instead of chasing victory, it was two booms for Samuelsson who finished in seventh place, 40 seconds behind the victorious Quentin Fillon Maillet.

Martin Ponsiluoma also went into the last and final shooter with a chance to reach a prominent position.

Then the 26-year-old collapsed in total, missed four shots and became 26th.

- No fun last shot to take with you, says SVT Sports expert Björn Ferry.

The second best Swede was Peppe Femling who got something of a revenge after the debacle on the shooting range in Saturday's relay.

Then he fired several shots at Norway's board - today it was two booms and a 19th place.

The text is updated.