China News Service Client, Beijing, January 11. The Chinese Football Association issued a heavy fine on the 11th for the disciplinary violations that occurred after the Dalian native and Chengdu Rongcheng match in the first round of the Chinese Super League play-offs this season.

Dalian player Yang Haoyu was suspended for 12 months and fined 200,000 yuan for rushing towards the referee and punching the referee in the face.

In addition, many people from the Dalian team were suspended and fined, with a total of 830,000 yuan in fines.

  On January 8, in the Chinese Super League promotion play-off, the Dalian natives drew 1:1 with Chengdu Rongcheng.

Dissatisfied with the referee's penalty, Dalian players and club officials besieged the referee after the game, and player Yang Haoyu even hit the referee in the face.

The Chinese Football Association issued this fine for this.

  In addition to Yang Haoyu, player Zheng Long was suspended for 6 games and fined 60,000 yuan for rushing to the court to accuse the referee and interfere with the game.

Not only that, several staff members of the Dalian Professional Football Club were suspended and fined for accusing the referee, and the total fines for the team amounted to 830,000 yuan.

  The second round of the two teams will be held on the afternoon of the 12th.
