On the second day of the sumo wrestling, Yokozuna Terunofuji, who made a white star start to win the championship in three consecutive places, will face Wakatakakage at the front.

Terunofuji, who will win three consecutive places from the new yokozuna for the first time in 103 years, got off to a white star start on the first day by winning a fierce battle with Koyui and Daieishō.

On the second day of the 10th, we will be challenged by Wakatakakage, who is the first in the front.

In the past battles, Terunofuji has won 7 wins and 1 loss, and if it becomes a development that combines four and grabs the Mawashi, the yokozuna is perfect.

Wakatakakage, on the other hand, wants to take advantage of his speed and not stop moving, but to explore opportunities.

Ozeki and Takakeishō play against Meisei Koyui.

Past matches have been 3 wins, 3 losses and a five-fifth star, and Takakeishō has also lost the destination.

Ozeki and Masayo are the best with Ura, who is the second in the front, and Ura has won both times in the past matches.

Both Ozeki started off as a white star, but on the second day, they will be the best with difficult opponents.