[Beijing Winter Olympics] How is the national snowmobile sled center "Snow Dragon" built on the mountain?

  [Explanation] As one of the newly-built competition venues with the most difficult design, the most difficult construction, and the most complicated construction technology for the Beijing Winter Olympics, the National Snowmobile Center Track has a total length of 1.9 kilometers, a vertical drop of 121 meters, and 16 corners. It is vividly called "Snow Youlong".

  How did the National Snowmobile and Sledge Center be built on the hillside, and how did it overcome various construction difficulties?

Recently, a reporter from China News Agency conducted a field visit to the "Snow Youlong" venue.

  [Concurrent] Yang Jinkai, Facilities Manager, National Snowmobile and Sled Center

  The track has a total length of 1975 meters. There are 16 curves with different shapes and different sliding radii. Among them, the more subtle ones, such as turns 7 and 8, and turns 14, and 15. Subtle, small ups and downs and corners (both) can pose a challenge.

(Athlete) He wants to slide out of the ideal trajectory and pass these corners quickly and without any collisions. It is very challenging and interesting.

  [Explanation] It is reported that the national snowmobile and sled center track design has undergone a total of 5 versions, and finally the version that is most suitable for the mountain is selected.

  The completed national snowmobile sled center has also become the world's first 360-degree slalom track, and the construction process has filled a number of technical gaps in the country.

  [Concurrent] Yang Jinkai, Facilities Manager, National Snowmobile and Sled Center

  In terms of the specific characteristics of this track, it overcomes the influence of a very unfavorable terrain under mountain terrain conditions. Through our country's very strong technical strength and construction capabilities in infrastructure projects, it has achieved overcoming unfavorable terrain conditions and unfavorable terrain conditions. The geological conditions and the complex curved concrete spray molding technology reflect our very strong engineering capabilities in some specific details.

  [Explanation] Snowmobile sledding is the fastest event in winter sports, and athletes must wear helmets to compete.

High-speed sliding and centrifugal force, athletes are in a state of speeding against the wall on many tracks, so head, neck, limbs and other trauma are more likely to occur in the game.

  To this end, the National Snowmobile and Sled Center has established a medical security team composed of medical staff from Peking University People’s Hospital and Beijing Emergency Center to "escort" athletes in all aspects.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Shihu, Medical Manager, National Snowmobile and Sled Center

  We have a video surveillance system in the command room. If an athlete is injured, we will notify the medical staff at the nearest medical station to bring first aid kits and stretchers to the scene of the accident for first aid.

If we think the injury is serious, we will dispatch the nearest ambulance to provide first aid.

  [Explanation] The Yanqing competition area to which the snowmobile sled project belongs is located in the Xiaohaituo Mountain area. The planned area is about 16 square kilometers and the highest point is 2198 meters. It is one of the three competition areas of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and the most difficult competition area. The construction work lasted 5 years.

  Reporter Xu Pengpeng Liu Xuanting Guo Chaokai reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]