After a year and a half after retiring and recuperating, the "eternal god" announced his comeback

  Exclusive dialogue with League of Legends legendary player Jan Pride

  E-sports can also play for the country

  Shocked me very much

  Our reporter Zhang Feng

  "I'm back!" In four words, the e-sports player Jane Pride (UZI) was posted on the hot search within half an hour after returning.

  Born in 1997, Jane proudly represented the Chinese team in the "League of Legends" competition at the Asian Games in Jakarta in 2018 and won the championship. He was named "the world's No. 1 ADC (position in the game)" when he was active, and he has been in China. Sports Value List 2020 China's E-sports Player Popularity Ranking is the top spot.

He is a man in the e-sports circle, and the internet hot word "yyds" also originated from him.

In June 2020, he was still at his peak when he announced his retirement due to injury, which made countless people sigh.

  Why is he back now?

Qianjiang Evening News · Hourly News has an exclusive dialogue with UZI on topics that everyone cares about.

Retire at peak condition

Hand tremor and dizziness and diabetes

  Type 2 diabetes and the original hand injury are the main reasons for UZI's rapid withdrawal.

  UZI, who was born in 1997, was only 23 years old when he retired in 2020, but he found type 2 diabetes in his physical examination.

According to the medical explanation, many important factors that trigger type 2 diabetes are closely related to lifestyle, such as obesity, insufficient physical activity, unhealthy diet, excessive stress, and urbanized life.

Before retiring, UZI had almost all the above conditions in his life. He weighed 180 catties at the heaviest height of 1.72 meters.

  It is normal to get up after 10 o’clock in the morning; a day before the computer for more than ten hours of training games and resumptions; meals are all done in front of the computer; ordering take-out is the habit of most professional players to solve lunch, plus being in the spotlight The pressure of performance and the common living conditions of these professional e-sports players have caused UZI, who is only 23 years old, to suffer from type 2 diabetes, which is usually only found in middle-aged and elderly people.

  Fatigue, weakness, blurred vision, and shaking hands, UZI had to face the alarm from the body.

From becoming a professional player in 2012, to entering the "League of Legends" global finals for the first time in 2013, I used the night hunter to fight the gods, and then won the MSI world championship in 2018, represented the Chinese team in the Jakarta Asian Games and won Champion, UZI never thought that one day he would leave this stage in this way.

  At that time, UZI thought clearly: "The championship, victory and defeat, should be put aside temporarily."

In order to return to the game

Every training is like "sentencing"

"Very unwilling, but very helpless."

  UZI said, “When you are an e-sports player, you think about competition and training. Other things are not that important. But after retirement, all kinds of life trivialities will follow one after another, and you need to worry about it and deal with it by yourself. The mood of trying my best to win the game slowly fades. I have to remind myself from time to time that I am going back."

  In order to be able to return to that stage, UZI hired a professional fitness trainer to formulate a physical training plan for himself. At least four days a week, he would go to the gym for training. Sweating like rain became a daily routine. The fitness activities of ordinary people became the "devil here." "train.

  "It was the simple movement of supporting the limbs, he couldn't hold on for 10 seconds at first, and his upper limbs kept shaking, which is the worst physical condition I have ever seen." The fitness coach recalled the scene when he first saw UZI.

UZI's physical condition is very poor because of long-term sitting and lack of exercise. Normal people have a heart rate of 60-100 beats per minute when they are calm, while UZI has 120 beats. When they start training, they are tortured like torture, but UZI perseveres.

  The fitness instructor also looked at this young man who only knew how to play games before: "Excellent people have a quality, not only can persist, but also know what they want at a certain stage. UZI is this kind of person."

  UZI said that exercise is effective, and it is obvious that the body is getting better this year.

High-intensity training for e-sports players is actually physical work. Now, even under high-intensity training, the body will not suffer from the previous sudden fatigue. The sweat in the gym is worth it.

  Although type 2 diabetes cannot be completely cured, with the aid of drugs, UZI has been able to return to the previous training intensity, which has made his comeback possible.

Hangzhou Asian Games looks forward to defending

Very excited to play for the country

  "I have been thinking about when I can come back. I belong to this stage."

  In the days of leaving the professional arena, "League of Legends" is still the thing that occupies the most UZI life every day.

He said that as his physical condition improved, he slowly increased the amount of training, trying to return to the rhythm of training in the club.

During this period, the club has been paying attention to his every move, and finally UZI and BLG (BILIBILI GAMING) came together.

  On December 15, after the 560th day of leaving the stadium, UZI announced his return, and the whole network was popular in just half an hour.

At the same time, the BLG gaming club also announced that UZI has joined and served as ADC.

  "I know that the opponents I will face in this comeback are stronger, but in the past two years I have not stayed in place. Leaving the arena allowed me to calm down. My mentality and the team's understanding of the game have been better. In addition to his expectations for the professional league, UZI also has a special expectation to support him-that is the Hangzhou Asian Games.

  "It was really shocking for me to step on that stage for the first time. I was very, very excited. I never thought I could participate in the Asian Games. It was a real game for the country." UZI recalled in 2018. E-sports appeared in the Jakarta Asian Games as a performance event. As a contestant, he won the championship trophy for China.

  Nowadays, e-sports has become an official event of the Hangzhou Asian Games. He wants to be on the highest podium again-"What it represents is a heavy medal. If my strength allows, I certainly hope this I can guard the gold medal. If I am not strong enough, then I also look forward to seeing the highest podium raising our five-star red flag off the court."

  Whether UZI can become the number one in the world again, UZI also desperately needs a formal game to prove itself.