The Swedish Olympic Committee is also annoyed that the information about up to a five-week quarantine in the event of a confirmed infection was spread.

- The Playbook (published by the International Olympic Committee, IOC, and is a set of rules for relating to covid-19) states that two negative covid tests (PCR tests) are needed at least 24 hours apart.

If you have been hospitalized, which is not considered probable in connection with the Olympics, the body temperature should be normal, ie below 37.3 degrees (every 37.5 degrees in the Tokyo Olympics) for three consecutive days, says media manager Lars Markusson to SVT Sport and can not answer the impossible question of how long covids infected can stay in Beijing.

- It varies from person to person, says Markusson.

According to the Swedish Public Health Agency, a couple of days is the normal time for illness in covid-19, even though it affects very differently.

The infected person is then tested daily, which all persons at the Olympics must do, before the organizer can make an assessment of when it is safe to go home.

- What is not stated in the Playbook is that a medical expert panel can go in and determine cases where a person has had the infection for ten days and investigate whether that person can be considered infection-free and still be allowed to go home, Markusson explains.

Three-week quarantine for unvaccinated people flying into China

The information about the three-week quarantine originally came from facts about what applies to unvaccinated people who entered China.

- There have been many errors in the media.

The big thing was around the quarantine period, where there was talk of three weeks and five weeks as well.

Then I have full respect for the players' thoughts and also us from the association, where does the information come from and can it be so?

Then it is clear that you become thoughtful, says the competition manager at the Swedish Ice Hockey Association, Olof Östblom.

The Olympic team in ice hockey will be taken out on January 24 and will be based on players in Europe because the NHL players refused.

It affects the SHL program.

However, 20 of 34 SHL matches during the Olympics may remain as planned.

This means that 14 matches are currently postponed.

- Several of the sports managers judge that they have such a broad squad with juniors behind that they think the alternative of not playing is worse so they have decided to play the match where it is, says SHL's sports manager Johan Hemlin.

The ice hockey association can change the SHL's playoff format

Should the pandemic gain a foothold, there is a preparation to change in the regular season program and to change in the playoff format, which today is in the best of seven matches. 

- If the pandemic strikes in a negative way, it is possible to make different solutions regarding format changes and other things.

There is really no end to that part, there will be a World Cup afterwards but we are not there yet.

We will have to come back to that if it becomes relevant, says Hemlin.

If it were to change in the playoffs, it is the ice hockey association that owns the issue, as it is a "format change".

- There is a preparation for it.

Those who can change it are our board and then we will have to look at it if we end up in that situation, says the ice hockey association's Olof Östblom about any changes in the playoffs.