Hyundai E&C, the leader in women's volleyball, beat the lowest-ranked Pepper Savings Bank and ran for four consecutive wins.

Hyundai E&C, which recorded 12 consecutive wins since the opening, is continuing its winning streak again.

Hyundai E&C's Yasmin's sharp serve gets stuck inside the line and becomes a serve ace.

It's the next serve right away, and I'm falling in the same spot again.

consecutive serve ace.

Yasmin scored the most of both teams with 17 points, and Yang Hyo-jin also played an active role with 16 points, including 4 blocking, taking the lead in a 3-0 win.

Hyundai E&C, which recorded 12 consecutive victories in the opening streak, ran another 4 victories after the first loss, widening the gap with the second-placed road construction company by 14 points.

Pepper Savings Bank has lost 11 straight.