The most important TV programs with Bundesliga soccer have clearly lost viewers.

The "Sportschau" on Saturday saw an average of 4.03 million people in the first half of the season, after the ARD had recorded 4.789 million viewers for the football classic in the previous season.

The ZDF recorded an average of 1.79 million TV viewers for the “Current Sports Studio” in the first half of the season after 2.00 million in the same period of the previous year.

However, the market shares have increased for both programs at the same time.

These are important values ​​for broadcasters and indicate an overall decline in television interest.

The “Sportschau” found significantly more viewers on Sunday with an increase from 1.58 to 1.96 million.

The pay-TV broadcaster Sky also had fewer viewers for top division football in the first half of the season.

According to the broadcaster, an average of 1.66 million watched the broadcasts on Saturday at 3:30 p.m., which corresponds to a decrease of 14 percent.

At the top game at 6.30 p.m., the average number of viewers fell by 22 percent to 1.07 million.

The paid internet broadcaster DAZN, which broadcasts live on Fridays and Sundays, does not publish any figures.