Activists circulated on Twitter videos showing the French security forces confiscating the Algerian flag from those celebrating their country's qualification to the Arab Cup final in Qatar, after its victory over the Qatari team yesterday, Wednesday.

Activists denounced the behavior of the security forces in France against the Algerian flag as if it were a type of drug or contraband, the possession of which is punishable by law.

Tweeters considered that what happened was only the beginning of other steps against the Algerian community, which is the largest in France, according to their belief.

Je viens d'être témoin d'une confiscation de drapeau Algérien par la BRAV-M.

c'est du délire.

— Syndicat ds détenu(e)s de France (@DesDetenus) December 15, 2021

Algerians celebrated in France yesterday, Wednesday, in the main streets of Paris, on the occasion of the arrival of their country to the Arab Cup final, after winning an exciting match against the Qatari team, the Asian champion, 2-1.

The goal of progress for the Algerian national team by Youssef Belaili # Arab_Cup |

#WorldCup_Arab#FIFArabCup |


— beIN SPORTS (@beINSPORTS) December 15, 2021

The French security forces fired tear gas canisters at Algerian fans who celebrated their country's qualification to the Arab Cup semi-finals at the expense of its Moroccan counterpart last Saturday night as well.

PARIS - Les supporters algériens sont systématiquement repoussés en dehors des #ChampsElysees : quelques légères tensions.

#FIFArabCup2021 #QATALG #Algerie

— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) December 15, 2021


Et ce n'est que le début

En France, drapeau français

— Lilith Lilith 🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵 (@LilithL16984575) December 16, 2021

Ils peuvent vous voler vos drapeaux, ils pourront jamais vous prendre le "one two three"

— Pierre Sautarel (@FrDesouche) December 16, 2021