Manchester United have appointed manager Ralph Langnick as interim manager.

Manchester United announced on the club's website today (29th) that "Manager Langnick will assume the interim manager position until the end of this season."

At the end of his term as manager, as already known by local media, he will serve as a club advisor for two years.

Manchester United, who recently sacked manager Ole Gunnar Solskjer, are looking to renew their atmosphere under the interim manager of Langnick.

Manchester United are currently 8th in the Premier League (18 points).

Director Langnick worked for many years as a leader and administrator in Germany.

He has been a leader since the early 1980s, and in 2006, he took on the role of Hoffenheim in the third division and achieved promotion for two consecutive years, gaining recognition for his leadership.

Since 2012, he has served as the general manager of Red Bull-affiliated soccer teams such as Salzburg (Austria) and Leipzig.

(Photo=Capture from Manchester United website, Yonhap News)