In the second stage of the Sumo Kyushu Basho, Yurikisho from Tokyo won the championship for the first time by winning the championship match held in Chiakiraku.

In the second stage of the Kyushu place, Kaiki Nobuhide of Tomozuna stable and Kaiki Nobuhide of Tokiwayama room lined up with all seven wins, and the championship deciding match was held on the 28th of Chiakiraku.

In the decisive battle, the superior victory was defeated by Kaho Peng and won the championship for the first time.

The dominant winner is 20 years old from Tachikawa, Tokyo.

I stepped on the first ring in the autumn of 2017.

It was the third stage, and I had a hip surgery in August, and the place was closed.

The current place, which was greeted by the 61st piece in the second stage of the west, changed its name from superior to superior victory, and we have been making adjustments from the front of the place, such as having Ozeki and Takakeishō in the same room practice. rice field.

And he won the championship by accumulating winning stars in his unique push sumo.

"I was nervous, but I was able to pull one shot well. I'm glad I won the championship. I want to do my best so that I can go up to the Makushita without getting hurt." ..