Former Chicago and HV71 player Kyle Beach, appeared during the night until Thursday as one of the exposed players in the abuse that took place in the Chicago Blackhawks, but which has been obscured since 2010.

Swedish star goalkeeper Robin Lehner writes on Twitter that he supports Kyle Beach and also had a conversation with him.

“Would like to say thank you to Kyle Beach.

What he has done is about courage at the highest level.

We all need to get better at giving each other support.

I had a very emotional conversation with Kyle today.

I can not describe how much I appreciate what he has done in recent days.

"And I also want to say that I am very sorry for what you have been through.

I hope we can help you heal as a human being and ensure that you never have to go through this alone again ”.

Kyle Beach also responds to Lehner in the same tweet:

Thank you Robin Lehner for taking the time to have such an emotional conversation with me.

You and many others gave me the strength to tell the truth. ”

On Friday, Chicago Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz also announced that he had submitted a request to the Hockey Hall of Fame and its chairman, Lanny McDondad, that he wish the current video coach Brad Aldrich's name be removed from the 2010 Stanley Cup dent.