- It was fun to be back.

I missed two games and it might have been visible.

We always have the gas at the bottom and Luleå can make a comeback in a minute, so it was important not to let go, says Norrköping's Felix Terins in the webcast.

He scored 15 points and pointed to the team's breadth in scoring.

- There are so many who can score points in the team and we cover for each other, says Terins who sees a great potential for improvement.

- There is an enormous amount more to take out.

Right now we are just sliding around on individual skills, says Terins.

The match was even for a period.

But after a 20-19 lead, Norrköping ran away to 52-36 in the half-time break and had decided the match.

Norrköping then gradually withdrew.

Norrköping led for a while with 29 points and looked to be able to crack the 100-wall, but Luleå kept the numbers to 23 on the minus account and stopped Norrköping to double digits.