Anicet Mbida 06:54 am, October 11, 2021

Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Monday, he is interested in a new method of vacuum packaging without plastic and which does not crush food.

The innovation of the day is something new in food preservation.

You've found a new method of vacuum packaging that is plastic-free and doesn't crush food.

It uses both containers and glass lids.

We will therefore be able to keep a Tiramisu or raspberries under vacuum without transforming them into porridge.

Sous vide is probably the best way to preserve food.

It keeps them up to 5 times longer at room temperature while preserving flavors and vitamins.

But today, we use plastic bags in which we create a vacuum.

Not only do we create waste, but we can also contaminate our food with endocrine disruptors, microplastics or phthalates.

With an all-glass system, there is no longer any risk since it is a completely neutral material.

Didn't glass vacuum containers already exist?

Yes, but there was still a risk of contamination since the cover was always made of plastic (it is through it that we connect the mechanism which creates a vacuum). This time, I'm talking about the first completely glass vacuum system. It works with a fairly clever mechanism: the container clips onto a base. This allows you to connect a cannula hidden on one side, to create a vacuum inside. Finally, since everything is made of glass and the seals are made of silicone, the container can go directly from the freezer to an oven at 250 °.

It is a French innovation from Lyonnais de Biotyfood.

Before launching their device, they patented their mechanism worldwide (it would be a shame if they got bitten).

With the hunt for single-use plastics in kitchens, this is the type of device that may soon become a must-have.