A match in the second division of Brazil witnessed one of the worst interferences in football history, and the shot raised major concerns for the safety of the target player.

Defender Cayetano received a direct red card in the middle of the first half of the match between his team, Regatas and Botafogo, in the second division competitions in Brazil.

O zagueiro Caetano acertou um bica no rosto do atacante Rafael Navarro, do Botafogo, o zagueiro do CRB foi expulso.


— Gols do Diário (@DiarioGols) October 8, 2021

The expulsion came after the violent interference of Botafogo player Rafael Navarro.

Vermelho direto para Caetano, zagueiro do CRB, após esta entrada no Rafael Navarro pic.twitter.com/UMVz12HLff

— Goleada Info (@goleada_info) October 8, 2021

Caetano raised his foot towards his opponent and hit him directly in the face, and the intervention raised fears for Navarro's safety, but the pictures showed that he had a minor wound at the level of the nose that did not prevent him from completing the match that ended in favor of Botafogo 2-0.