Before that, however, she has set her sights on the Olympics in Beijing 2022. Johaug has also confirmed that she will compete in the cross-country Cup Ski Classics this winter.

But future plans do not stop there.

In an interview with Norwegian TV 2, Therese Johaug, 33, says that she hopes to be able to participate in the World Championships in Trondheim in four years.

- I am so grateful that I got to experience the World Cup in Oslo 2011. To become world champion at home with so many people at Kollen, that is probably the biggest thing I have been through.

To be able to experience something similar again would have been fantastic.

But there is a long time left until the WC in Trondheim, we will see, says Johaug.


The Norwegian ski queen also has, together with her boyfriend Nils Jakob Hoff - former world champion in rowing - thoughts and hopes of having children.

And for the TV channel, she opens to take a sabbatical year.

When asked if she can imagine a rest year and then compete in the cross-country WC in Trondheim as "mamma-Johaug", she answers as follows:

- Yes, I have thought both thoughts!

However, when a potential sabbatical year could take place, she is silent about.

Clip: Johaug runs long distance races

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Johaug runs long distance Photo: TT