Nippon Professional Baseball, Nippon Ham, announced in the game against Softbank on the 11th that Kensuke Kondoh, who was replaced on the way, was diagnosed with concussion after hitting his head on the ground during defense.

Kondo has been deregistered as a player in the 1st Army due to a special concussion measure.

Kondo participated in the Softbank game on the 11th with No. 4 Wright, hit a 2-point timely hit in the 2nd inning, and then chased the ball that hit the fence in the middle right in the 3rd defense. After that, he fell down on the ground and hit the back of his head.

Kondo was carried on a stretcher and replaced on the way, and as a result of being examined at a hospital in Sapporo city, he was diagnosed with concussion.

For this reason, Kondo was deregistered as a player in the 1st Army due to a special measure for concussion, and will continue to increase the intensity of exercise over several days in accordance with the program stipulated as a condition for returning. You will be asked to confirm.

Unregistered athletes usually cannot re-register for 10 days, but if the program determines that there are no problems, they can re-register without waiting for 10 days.

Nippon-Ham Fighter Hideki Kuriyama said, "I talked to Kondo, but I was a little relieved because it looks okay."