Takuro Yamada of Japan was abandoned in the qualifying for the motor dysfunction class of the men's 100-meter breaststroke at the Tokyo Paralympics on the morning of the 26th because he was late for the convocation time.

According to the rules, it is necessary to be at the convening place 15 minutes before the event starts in the swimming race, but the Japanese team recognized that it was 15 minutes before the race to participate.

Regarding this, Takumi Uegaki, the manager of the Japanese team, said, "The convocation time was written in the rules as" 15 minutes before the start of the race. "As a result of misunderstanding, Yamada, who was in the second qualifying group, abstained two minutes later. It became. "

He added, "It's always a debate about the convocation time, but I should have asked if it was a race 15 minutes ago or 15 minutes before the whole event."