After winning the Tokyo Olympics, Chinese swimming star Wang Shun told a detail: The night before the final, his mentor Zhu Zhigen once "guarded the goal" for he could rest well.

  "In my mind, Coach Zhu is not actually a coach who is particularly good at expressing. But many times, he leads by example, and then uses actions to tell us. Whether in normal life or on the training ground, his professionalism has always been It is infecting me.” Wang Shun said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from China News Service/China News Service recently.

  Wang Shun also told more touching stories of Director Zhu in training and daily life.

He said that according to the team's schedule, the team members have to get up, wash, and have breakfast at 6:50.

Instructor Zhu basically knocks on the door every day to remind the team members to eat on time to lay a solid foundation.

  Wang Shun also said that when the players are training on the training ground, Zhu Zhu never sits down.

"Because he feels that if he sits down, we seem to see the coach sit down and relax over there, do we have other ideas, so he has been standing or walking with us on the training ground." (Reporter Zhang Produced by Su Xu Pengpeng Lu Huiqian)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]