“The world is global, and Russian football cannot be by itself and differ, for example, from English or French football.

It's just that our level of development will be lower, but in principle we do everything the same.

Russian football follows the same path.

Slightly lagging behind, but very quickly catching up.

My attitude to the limit on legionnaires in Russia?

In the French film industry, there is a quota - a certain percentage of all films released in France must be French.

There is no dominance of American cinema.

As a result, the French film industry exists very well.

This is a certain protectionism - to ensure that one's own develops.

I think this is correct.

But it is desirable that it was everywhere then, "- quoted Pozner" Match TV ".

Currently, there can be no more than eight foreigners in the RPL club's application for the season.

Earlier, Koloskov spoke about the limit on legionnaires in Russian football.