When the World Athletics Championships were last decided, 2019 in Doha, Perseus Karlström took bronze - Sweden's first time medal ever on the men's side.

Now he is ready for the Olympics.

Tomorrow morning, Swedish time, the competition begins in Sapporo, northern Japan.

"Feeling in good shape"

And when he participated in a digital press conference the day before, it was a calm, harmonious and positive Karlström who met the Swedish media corps.

- I feel in good shape.

It will be very fun to compete, he said.

"Feels much better"

And the fact is that he has a better feeling before these competitions than before the successful race in Doha two years ago.

- It feels much better before Doha, it absolutely does, he says to SVT Sport, and continues:

- It was difficult the days before the race in Doha because it was such an extreme climate, so you got a little mentally broken down when you trained, because you lost so much in pace when you were out training.

Here it is admittedly hot and humid, but it has still been possible to keep basically normal training times as I have done at home in Sweden.

- Then it has been possible to run quality passes.

I thought the climate here would be worse here than it has been.

So it feels really good that it's not.

Then it also feels good that I have done good training here, even though it has been hot.

"Something I take with me"

And the fact that he now has a World Cup medal in his luggage is also something that gives him a better feeling than what he had with him two years ago, and something that he believes will help him during the race.

- Absolutely!

I have shown myself that I can keep that capacity.

So it is definitely something that I take with me, he says.

"Very good shape"

So with all these positive words, it is not without wondering how big medal chances he gives himself.

But he can not actually give a straight answer to that.

- There are a lot of names that are good now, and it is difficult because most competitors have only competed once this year, so it is difficult to say how they are.

But I am in very good shape anyway.