She was world and European champion, won Olympic silver and even held the world record.

Betty Heidler was the "hammer woman" par excellence.

Today the 37-year-old works for the Federal Police and is studying for a position in the higher service.

Achim Dreis

Sports editor.

  • Follow I follow

Can you still get the hang of the hammer?

I don't even know - I haven't had one in my hand since I last stood in the ring in a competition.

But that was five years ago!

Yes, and I don't miss anything.

If I stood in there now, there would be more of a risk of injuring myself.

Are you always that consistent?

I'm generally very consistent, but from a hundred to zero: I don't do that with all things.

But I had prepared my last competition well and gradually said goodbye to hammer throwing.

And when it's over, is it over?

It was a very, very long and intense time and it was clear that hammer throwing is not a discipline that I can continue as a hobby.

Also because I would always compare myself to myself.

It's different with runners.

They just keep running, albeit more slowly.

Yes, of course.

But I would also need a ring and a cage.

It is not that easy.

And I wanted to use the time I have for other things as well.

In retrospect, did you enjoy being a hammer thrower?

Or do you regret choosing such a complicated discipline?

No why?

I am happy to have chosen this discipline and I was also very successful.

Not everyone does hammer throwing, it is a very demanding exercise.

I like that.

Do you still follow the current development in hammer throwing?

Yes, I follow the big competitions, sometimes on TV, often on the Internet, and I also read the result lists.

Are you available as a consultant in the athletics federation for the next generation?

No, I don't want to interfere, not at all.

At the Olympic Games Samantha Borutta competed in qualifying for hammer throwing for Germany.

Do you know her?

I saw her at the German championships and I know she has potential.

I'm happy for her that she made such a good development and threw over 70 meters.

She is still very young and will benefit from it.

How was it for you when you were there for the first time?

That was in Athens in 2004 and it helped me a lot.

It was actually a reward too.

And then I finished fourth there and broke the German record.

It was my international breakthrough.

The highlight was definitely London when you measured the distance with the referee and then won a medal?

Yes, London was very special too. And the most successful games for me. London were the most important games - but I have the fondest memories of Athens as a young athlete.