It was a sometimes cramped Swedish effort against Brazil, where they were down by four balls in the first half (8-12).

In the second, they lost the lead by 25-22 to 25 equal, before they pulled up and won by a margin of three balls.

- Sweden makes a solid work effort.

It is not a fair game in any way and the attitude was not in place from the beginning, says SVT's expert Magnus Grahn and continues:

- What changes the match picture is quite clear when Anna Lagerquist enters the defensive game.

It gets better energy and all of a sudden Sweden turns around and wins quite comfortably.

"One wonders what she's going on?"

Magnus Grahn also wants to lift Jamina Roberts.

The veteran who with his six hits was the top scorer in the Swedish team.

- Jamina must be lifted.

One wonders what she's going on?

She's just getting better and better.

She is the one who guides Sweden throughout the second half.

When it shook a little, it was just to give her the ball, she bounced forward and solved it on her own.

She was overwhelmingly good and has been throughout the tournament, he says.

SEE HIGHLIGHTS HERE: The Handball Ladies to the Quarterfinals - Facing Brazil

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Swedish cheers after the handball ladies' victory against Brazil.

Photo: Bildbyrån