Journalists like to say that at the Summer Olympics there are two kinds of sports for which it is never scary in terms of the result - synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics.

It is difficult to disagree: since the 2000 Games, not a single gold in these disciplines has gone to the side.

In Sydney, however, a sensation happened in rhythmic gymnastics: the strongest gymnast in the world at that time, Alina Kabaeva, dropped the hoop and rolled back to the third position in the all-around, but the leader's place was immediately taken by the “reservist” Yulia Barsukova.

Actually, this is the main difference between rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming: the pedestal in this sport is stormed by a pair and three times - at the Games in Athens, London and Rio de Janeiro - Russia returned home with gold and silver.

Games in Tokyo may well extend this unique series: our country will be represented in personal all-around by twin sisters Dina and Arina Averina.

The first is more titled: she became a triumphant at the world championships 13 times, while Arina has only four such successes.

However, it was she who won the individual all-around at the recent European Championship in Varna.

The main thing in Tokyo is not which of the sisters will rise to the highest step of the pedestal, but that someone else does not get there.

As in the group exercises, for the head coach of the Russian national team, Irina Viner-Usmanova, this is a matter of principle.

The uniqueness of rhythmic gymnastics as a sport lies primarily in the fact that it requires athletes to have absolute control over their bodies.

Every muscle, even the smallest.

And this is daily work for many hours, and there is no way to skip a few days of training or, say, gain an extra pound of weight.

Because everything collapses right there.

In other words, rhythmic gymnastics is a job that takes the life of an athlete and coach for a good ten years.

And to lose is to derail this life.

There is no exaggeration in these words: the coach of the Russian national team Amina Zaripova, whose student Margarita Mamun became the Olympic champion in Rio, recalled how at her own Olympics in Atlanta she was in a very small group of gymnasts who did not make gross mistakes throughout the entire personal tournament.

But it took fourth place.

“I wanted to die then.

I thought about suicide very seriously, ”the ex-gymnast recalled.

One can argue about the legitimacy of such an attitude to sports, but the fact remains: Viner-Usmanova created a completely unique system in her sport, within which not only thoughts about possible failures are swept aside, but athletes also grow with confidence that the main thing is not their personal the result, and the result of the country.

Vice-champion of the Olympics in Rio Yana Kudryavtseva, who, by the way, was considered a much more likely contender for gold than Mamun before the Games, spoke about this shortly before her performance.

“We have been taught that the Russian flag should always be higher than the rest.

Who exactly will stand on the pedestal under this flag is of secondary importance.

Of course, I really want to win myself.

But first of all, I would like to reach these Olympic Games, to be selected for the national team.

With our competition in the team, it's not at all easy - the bench is huge.

And if for so many years Russian gymnasts have occupied exclusively first places, if such a history and such traditions are behind us, then how can we lose ourselves? "

- said Kudryavtseva.

An even tougher story is the band.

Those who get into the squad are immediately explained: the team should not adjust to the well-being of one person.

Therefore, whining in training is not allowed in principle: either the gymnast works on an equal footing with everyone else, or another athlete takes her place.

Those who specialize in personal all-around do not perform in a group - this is, in fact, the main difference between rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming.

Although Mamun recalled how once the head coach invited her to try herself in group performances, citing the fact that the group could be an excellent chance for a gymnast to get to the Olympic Games in London.

Margarita honestly worked out the training and ... refused.

“I have never been interested in group exercises.

And besides, it's not so easy to get into the main team of the group: we traditionally prepare all combinations in two teams, in case it suddenly becomes necessary to replace someone due to injury or for some other reason.

Well, so that everyone is constantly in good shape, ”Mamun explained.

In terms of personal fame, group performances are a thankless task.

But they really give athletes a chance.

And to some extent they become a kind of drug for many.

The most titled of the Russian athletes, Anastasia Bliznyuk, was going to leave the sport after the Games in London, and now, in the rank of a two-time Olympic champion, she is preparing to perform at the third Olympics and, of course, win it.

Can someone interfere with the ambitious Russian plans?

According to Zaripova, in the individual championship this can happen only if force majeure happens (like Kabaeva's hoop rolled over the carpet in Sydney). In other words, if Dina and Arina Averins manage to avoid mistakes, no other gymnast in the world can compete with them. Even the most dangerous of rivals, Israelite Linoy Ashram, is far from being as strong in all-around as in individual disciplines. But "separate" medals in the Olympic format are not played.

But in the group, surprises can happen.

If we recall the last World Championship, which was held in 2019 in Baku, Russia, Japan and Bulgaria shared the medals in the group all-around (in descending order).

At the same time, the Japanese women were the first in the exercise with balls and took another silver in the exercise with hoops and clubs.

In other words, the host country of the 2020 Games already clearly expressed its Olympic intentions.

Throw in the home walls, and perhaps more preferential judging, and it becomes clear that the result of group performances can be unpredictable.

And also gymnastics is a lot of superstitions peculiar to girls.

Do not check in swimwear, shells and CDs with music, do not allow strangers, including teammates and coaches, to touch the items with which you have to perform before the start.

“They have energy, as if they were animate. And they cannot be mistreated. I believe in it ... ", - said the vice-champion of the Games in Athens, Irina Chashchina.