Summer is time for departure and return operations, and if you want to avoid traffic jams, it is convenient to take into account some common traffic movements, especially on weekends.

Coinciding with the summer weekends, an increase in


is expected

along the main routes, national roads, highways and highways, towards the beach or coastline, rest and second home areas, warns the


, which has shared some timetables advice for avoid times of greatest traffic intensity.


Output displacement direction of the large urban centers and high circulating currents in the main roads to coastal tourist areas and second homes unfavorably time

between 16 and 22 hours



Displacements in the outbound direction of large urban centers and increased circulation on the main roads and access routes to the coast, beaches and second residence areas, as well as on the roads that go to places of leisure and recreation near urban centers.

The roads that link coastal towns may present conflict, at an unfavorable time

between 9 am and 1 pm



In the morning, the access to the coastline and beaches, as well as the local communication roads between coastal populations, will be conflictive in the morning, and in the late afternoon the movement in the inbound direction to the large urban centers with high traffic intensities and problems will begin. of circulation in the main roads of communication that channel all the return movement from the coastal and coastal areas.

The unfavorable schedule will be

between 19 and 24 hours

, being able to extend until late at night.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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